The Cabinet of Ministers
The Egyptian Supreme Cybersecurity Council (ESCC)

Prime Minister’s Decree
No. 994 of 2017

Article (1):

All governmental authorities, at all levels, and public business sector companies shall implement the resolutions and recommendations of the the Arab Regional Cybersecurity Center (ARCC) related to securing their critical infrastructure of communications and information technology, and shall take all technical and administrative measures needed to deal with cyber threats and attacks, carrying out the National Cyber Security Strategy.

Article (2):

HE the Minister of Communications and Information Technology shall develop and determine the rules and procedures for securing the critical information infrastructure of the State’s sectors, and shall follow up on the implementation of the resolutions and recommendations of the Egyptian Supreme Cybersecurity Council (ESCC) and the execution of the provisions hereof.

Article (3):

Without prejudice to any criminal penalties that may arise as a result of occurrence of grave damages related to any breach of the security of the critical infrastructure of communications and information technology, each employee or worker who violates the decisions issued by the Egyptian Supreme Cybersecurity Council (ESCC).